Gaaaaanz vertraulich. Ein missglückter Putschversuch soll einen General das Leben gekostet haben. Der arme, reiche Knabe soll ein paar Millionen herumschwirren haben. Und rein zufällig wissen wieder einige Banker nicht, wohin mit dem Schotter. Wie neu. Natürlich gibt es Millionen zu verdienen. Und natürlich werden Schwierigkeiten auftreten, für deren Beseitigung erst mal Geld aufgebracht werden muss. Und rein zufällig wird man dieses Geld genau so wenig wiedersehen, wie man nicht die Millionen bekommt:
Confidential Message.
Dear Sir,
I am writing this mail from my residence because of its confidential nature.This letter contains some confidential materials which should be delected from your mail box if you are unable to help me out concerning the proposal.I am the director (audit & records) in a bank here in Abidjan.
I and my colleagues have an amount of USD 28 million dollars belonging to Gen.Robert Guei who was shot dead together with all his family by the Government soldiers here on the accusation of plotting a failed coup de d’etat.This money was USD 58 million dollars but some have been used in the importation of arms by the General until he met the unexpected death.
I have all the necessary document involved in the deposition and the withdrawal of the part of the money.In depositing the fund,the late General used the name of his personal guard as the next of kin who was also killed in the coup d’etat.Now I want you to stand as the next of kin and help us transfer out this amount of money from here.This business is 100% risk-free and I will prepare all the documentation and prove the source of the fund before the transfer.
I want you to know that this business involves I and 3 other officials in our bank and must not be taken as a joke,I advice you to think very well before responding because we need a very strong hand in this transaction.
Your percentage and other important details will be discussed once I confirm your kind willingness in this transaction.
Dr.Philip Kevin.